Note: ‘I, We, Us, Our, Ours, Shop, The Register’ refers to The Triumph 2000 Register Membership Shop and/or The Triumph 2000 Register Limited; ‘You, Your, Yours’ refers to the purchaser.
Delivery Information
Like all services of the Triumph 2000 / 2500 / 2·5 Register, the website and the membership shop are staffed, administered and maintained entirely by unpaid volunteers. We do our very best to respond to our customers as quickly as possible, but ask that you please be patient with us while we process your orders.
We try to process your order within 10 working days. Our target delivery time is 3-5 working days, but any delivery times that we indicate to you (unless specifically agreed) are given as an estimate only and delivery times can never be guaranteed.
If you require delivery information on an order placed with us, please contact us (by post: address here; or by email: address here) quoting your order reference number and we will try to help you. Membership cards (for renewals) and membership packs (for new and rejoining members) are sent via standard Royal Mail postage; tracking is therefore not possible.
Membership Packages
When purchasing a Membership Package as a new or rejoining member, you are applying to join or rejoin the Triumph 2000 / 2500 / 2·5 Register. The Triumph 2000 / 2500 / 2·5 Register is a private members’ club, and as such the Board of Directors reserve the right to refuse membership applications. If membership is subsequently refused after a Membership Package has been purchased online, the Membership Fee will be refunded in full.
The Membership Fee (i.e. the amount you pay when you purchase one of our Membership Packages) pays in advance for one calendar year of Register Membership and is non-refundable (except in the unlikely event of the club being wound up or your application being refused). You can resign your membership at any time by writing to the Membership Secretary, whose postal address can be found here. If you prefer to use email, all Club Officials can be contacted via the Who’s Who page.
Distance Selling Regulations
We adhere to the EU Distance Selling Regulations Directive implemented in UK law. The full details of these rights are available in this document (PDF, 131 KB), but briefly, this gives you the right to cancel your order within 7 (seven) days from the receipt of the goods. You must give notice to us, in writing (either letter or email), that you wish to cancel the order, then you must return the goods (your membership pack or membership card) to us in undamaged condition within 14 days of receipt of the goods, taking reasonable care that the goods are packaged appropriately to avoid damage in transit. You must pay the cost of delivery back to us. We will refund the value of the goods within 30 days of the cancellation of the order. Note that part or full refunds cannot be given after the 7 day cooling-off period.
What are the payment options?
We accept a range of credit and debit cards (including VISA, MasterCard, Switch, Solo, JCB, Maestro and Delta), processed via Sage Pay (Opayo). You can also pay online using your PayPal account, or by telephoning the Membership Secretary and providing your credit or debit card details. Finally, payment via Cheque / Postal Order through the post (Pounds Sterling only) is also accepted.
Is the Triumph 2000 Register Membership Shop secure?
Yes. All online monetary transactions are handled externally, by either Sage Pay (Opayo) or PayPal, using their industry-standard secure payment servers, and is therefore completely secure. When you’ve finished adding items to your shopping basket, clicking the checkout button will automatically take you away from our site and over to the secure payment zone. You will enter your private financial details there in a secure environment. Card payments are handled by Opayo; PayPal is used only if you want to pay from your PayPal account.
Read more on our Shop Privacy page.
Who owns the Triumph 2000 Register Membership Shop?
The Triumph 2000 Register Membership Shop is owned, maintained and administered by the Triumph 2000 Register Limited.
What are the company details for the Triumph 2000 Register Limited?
The Triumph 2000 / 2500 / 2·5 Register is run for the benefit of its members by the Triumph 2000 Register Limited. Contact details can be found here.