The Triumph 2000/2500/2.5 Register Club Insurance

Following a discussion at a recent board meeting, I reviewed our club’s public liability insurance to make sure it still covered what we needed it to. It does, so that is all good.

But, it occurred to me that many of you won’t know what this is for or what it means for you as members, so I thought a small explanation might help.

So, your club carries public liability insurance. We have to because we arrange and organise events. In the unlikely event that at our National, for example, someone gets hurt by something that the club has arranged or is involved with, our insurance is there to protect the club and its membership from any potential claims for damages.

Same thing at the big shows like the NEC, we have to have millions of pounds worth of public liability insurance in case, for example, a member of the public trips over our flag base and hurts themselves, the insurance is there to cover any potential costs rather than the club or the members or the Directors being personally liable.

As members, this cover extends to you as well. But ONLY if you are an official Register event.

As a local group, which many of you are active members of, if you organise and run a stand at a local show, then this is an official Register show and therefore you are covered by our public liability insurance. Local Group Leaders, if you need a copy of our certificate for this, please contact me on and I will forward you a PDF copy that you can print out if you need it. This must be by Group Leaders only as they are Club Officials.

However, please note. If you attend a show as a private individual, ie not part of an organised Register stand, then your own car insurance needs to be sufficient to cover this. Normally this isn’t an issue but its worth just checking what you have and if it is sufficient. The Register public liability insurance does not cover private individuals at events.

I hope that makes sense, fi you have any questions about this please get in touch but I hope this explains what we have in place and what you need to do.


Increase in the cost of Register valuations

From the 1st June 2023 the cost of a valuation will increase to £20 (from £10). However, this valuation service will be carried out at a reduced figure of £15 but only at the 2023 National in Paignton!!

This service is for Register members only. Please get in touch with John Whitehead using the details in the ‘Who’s Who’ section. 

Triumph 2000 / 2500 / 2·5 Register National Rally 2023

Is now being held at Whitehill Country Park in Paignton from Monday 12th June to Monday 19th June.

Due to unforeseen circumstances the venue for this years National has had to be changed to Whitehill Country Park in Paignton, the venue that gave us such a successful National last year. This has also resulted in us having to make it earlier than previously advertised; it’s now being held from Monday 12th June to Monday 19th June.

The Four Cs Challenge

The Four Cs Challenge – Classic Car and Caravan around the Coast!

Paul Girling, our Web Administrator, has been into classic cars and caravans for quite a while. As well as his 2500 S Estate, he has a rather special Herald and a matching Viking caravan.

The Four Cs Trip

Paul says: We’re taking our Herald and Viking combo around the coast of the UK for fun and to raise money for the East Anglian Air Ambulance. We’ll be taking in all four extreme compass points and dipping a toe in each of the four seas surrounding the UK.

Our challenge starts on Monday 6th at Ness Point, Lowestoft (the most easterly point) and should take between four and five weeks and cover around 3,500 miles. I understand from an unreliable source that some of the TSSC Norfolk area are currently doing a sweepstake on how many miles we will do. Thankfully everyone involved so far has at least got us leaving Norfolk.

Follow us via our blog: 
or if you’re happy to donate, take a look at our JustGiving page:

Wish them luck (’cos they’re going to need lots of it!) and please donate to this good cause if you can. They are visiting our National at Whitehill Park as part of their trip.

Andy Roberts

National Rally 2022

Arrangements for this year’s National at Whitehill Country Park near Paignton are now well under way. Dates are confirmed as 6th to 13th June 2022. There are plenty of touring pitches and there is still a very small amount of other accommodation available. If you want to book, please contact Colin and Amanda Radford as soon as possible (click here to send them an email). We look forward to welcoming everyone in June. Third time lucky!